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admin 2024-06-16 13:43 娱乐 10 0



翻译:Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Snow White. She lived with seven dwarfs in their cottage in the forest. One day, she was trying to rescue a little prince from the evil queen, but she got lost in the dark forest. Finally, she found her way back to the cottage, but she had a funny story to tell the dwarfs. She said, "I think I met my match in those seven dwarfs!"



翻译:One day, the monkey king asked his friends to help him find the missing "grooming product" for his master, King Muscle (aka King Mo.) King Muscle wanted a haircut for his big day, but his head was so big that no barber could fit in the chair with him. After several failed attempts, a group of bananas decided to try their luck. They said, "Let's do it like this! We'll each hold one end of the banana and cut off all of the hair!" And that's how King Muscle ended up with a bald head, but he looked great!



翻译:One day, a banana and a plane were flying over the ocean when they suddenly ran out of gas. They landed on a deserted island and decided to play a fun game of "find the letter." They each had to guess what letter was hidden somewhere on their body and could only see what their opponent's body was doing. The banana took off his hat and said, "Guess what? I have the letter 'B'!" The plane pretended to feel around and then exclaimed, "Oh my goodness! You have the letter 'P' on your hat!" They played for hours until they both had laughed themselves silly.




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